The Beginning of Darkness - Early boyhood
I mostly remember the darkness
Sitting in a large box with a boy showing me things I had not yet learned
Being afraid of the darkness was a real terrifying thing for me
Seeing and being afraid of the night and the darkness it brought
Having things done to me and not knowing what they meant
Things that affected me to this very moment unable, unwilling to remember
Felling guilty because they felt good and yet somehow knowing
That what I felt was wrong and not knowing why
The only light I remember from this time was a kind loving Aunt
Who gave me the gift of the Rosary - a gift I treasure to this day
The repeating over and over of words of hope that became
A source of strength which has stayed with me forever
Someone to pray for me and to pray to for hope and help
A gift that somehow lifts me from despair into momentary light
A gift I share with my wife of over fifty years that has allowed us to survive my darkness
Most of this very early boyhood was spent in loss of light
Spent in learning to survive darkness and no understanding of
What was happening to me or why
I suppose many go through Darkness but how I hope and pray they do not
Like so many others I thought it was just me
I caused it all to happen and of course I had no control over it
Reality is I had nothing to do with any of what was happening