Today - well we went to the Louvre! We had read, seen books, movies and thought we would not be caught off guard but we were wrong. The Mona Lisa in person was the most impressive art piece I have ever seen She was incredible as were the Venus and every thing else. I could not get over seeing real unchanged sculptures that were 2000 plus years old. It is a memory we will never ever forget. The Lido was similar to the Moulin Rouge but yet more artsy and different. Linda and I danced to Elvis music in the pre show for about 10 seconds and then she turned her ankle but still it is my best memory. We took Grant and Hannah - our oldest grandson and his young fiancé with us this trip and their joy was wonderful to behold. They say I got a buzz on and maybe so as for once I think I may have allowed myself to be a little free. We ended the night with Grand Mariner crepes - wow!