June 3,2008
Well, we are off again for another great adventure
–anniversary trip. As usual we cannot afford to do this and as usual we are
anyway. We could not sleep so left around 1:45AM and drove in the night. We
reached Hays and filled up at $3.79 a gallon. Gas prices dominate our mind as we
need to stay far below $4 a gallon to make our budget work. We stopped at a rest
area near Limon Colo and took the first pictures of the trip. After taking the
shortcut across to Laramie, we took the Snowy Range Road and as the pictures
show, there was a ton of snow. It was beautiful and fun. Linda thought she saw
a moose but I saw the second real annimals – antelopes. Linda and I both – her
first- saw a huge deer run across the freeway outside of Salina in the night
time. After the Snowy Range drive we drove through Zachery Land only to find it
was green and pretty –well a little. We drove past at least one herd of wild
horses. We arrived in Lander and got a nice motel owned by an American who was
deeply discouraged by the lack of tourist which he blamed on the rising cost of
fuel. We drove out the Sink River canyon where we were surprised by the animals
and the scenery. We had a very long but nice day and at the end we felt we were
on our anniversary trip.

We were going to take a nap before we left, but Zach came
over and we spent some time with him. We decided that we were not going to get
much sleep so we left and started to drive. We had a nice day of driving
especially going across the Snowy Range Road which is always such a surprise. I
saw a moose but by the time we got back it was out of sight. We stopped for the
night and found a really pretty place called Sink River Canyon. There were some
beautiful spring wild flowers and a few animals which is always nice to see.
We had a pizza at a local shop and all in all it was a very nice beginning to
our trip.
June 4, 2008
Day 2 of our 43rd anniversary Trip began in a
very lea surly fashion and continued throughout the day. We mosied back down
the Sink River Canyon and took pictures and then drove out the fish hatchery
road which is about 5 miles north of Dubois, Wy. It was a rough road but
wonderful scenery and we stopped and took pictures of an Osprey and the nest. We
then made our way into Jenny Lake where we got one of our favorite camping
spots. We drove out to Oxbow bend where we saw a marvelous beaver and took more
pictures. The only moose we saw, I did not stop to take pictures of as I was
afraid we would not get a camping spot. Should have stopped!!! If we don’t see a
moose that close again this trip
I will not hear the end of it. It was a nice day and we
enjoyed it much.

We decided not to hurry so we went back to Sink River
Canyon to look around; we then drove to another pretty spot outside of Dubois.
We took some really good pictures of the Osprey and off to Jenny Lake to get a
camping spot. We had not hurried until we got to the park and found out that
there we some camping spots open. We (John) decided to pass up taking pictures
of a Moose just inside of the park gates so we would not lose a spot at Jenny
Lake. We got one of our favorite spots at Jenny Lake. We drove around looking
at the beautiful country and looking for animals. It was a very nice day.
June 5th, 2008
Our 43rd Anniversary
Again it started as a slow easy
day. We drove around looking for animals and spotted quite a few. We went to
Jackson and had a nice anniversary lunch of crepes. We then found a mother fox
and her den of 5 cubs where we spent about 2-3 hours being fascinated and taking
pictures. As we went to bed Linda went to the necessary room and I tried to get
her side of the bed warm. I had a horrible attack where I could not breathe,
could not get my breath and we decided to go to the car to sleep as it would be
warmer and I could sleep sitting up. I was not sure I could even get my pants on
and I was afraid I was going to die. I was terrified. The night was very long
and very scary. Still it was a great day and I was reminded of how much my wife
meant to me and how much I love her.

Today is our 43rd
anniversary and it has started out to be a very nice day of looking for
animals. We went looking in our favorite spots like the road behind Ox Bow Bend
and saw a wonderful beaver. We went and had a nice lunch and bought me a tripod
to help with taking long distance pictures. After lunch we spent time watching
a wonderful mother fox hunt and take care of her 5 pups. We drove around until
it started to get dark and decided to head for bed. John had terrible time
breathing and I tried to get him to go to the emergency room because I thought
that he was having a heart attack. We finally ended up in the car covered in
blankets and sleeping bags trying to stay warm, as it was in the low 30’s. We
made it until morning but I sat there most of the night watching him to make
sure that he was still breathing. It was a wonderful day and John not being
able to breath and afraid that he was not going to last the night reminds me of
just how much I love him and how lonely it would be without his joy for living
and seeing what is over the next hill.
June 6th.
We woke up and I took my pills
and I started urinating furiously and I was still frightened. Linda was also
frightened and we decided to leave our tent and air mattress as neither of us
had the strength to take them down and fold them up. We gave them to the camp
host who said he would see they would be given to someone in need. We started
home through Moran Junction but stopped to eat a little breakfast and I
continued peeing. I was still shaky but feeling a little better and not wanting
to end our trip which we had risked so much of our savings on we headed to
Yellowstone NP and I continued to pee. I think I had a fluid buildup on my lungs
do to the cold weather and altitude. The more I peed the better I felt. We took
pictures at Lewis Falls and were able to get a cabin at Canyon for 3 nights at
$76 a night and we called Gig, our dear oldest daughter who agreed that I had
not had a heart attack but I needed to get a good night’s sleep and continue to
get rid of the fluid. By now I am feeling much better. We took a nap at around
12:30 and woke up to find 6 inches of snow on our car. Two young men knocked on
our door and I jokingly asked if they had come to evacuate us – they were nice
enough to carry our bags etc. in to the room for me and had just come to check
on our needs and also on the needs of others in cabins like us as there are no
phones or TVs in these wonderful cabins. A perfect honeymoon place by the way.
All in all it was a great and glorious day. We fell asleep at around 8:30 PM and
slept most of the night until around 7:30 am only waking to of course – pee
about twice Thank you God for taking care of us this last two days! John

The morning finally came and I
gave John his pills and he immediately started going to the bathroom. We left
our tent and air mattress with the camp host as it was just too much to take
down. We were going to go straight home but decided to go up through Moran
Junction. After some breakfast and some more bathroom stops, John said he was
feeling a little better, so we decided to try and get a room for several nights
at one of Yellowstone’s lodges. We called Gigi and asked what she thought and
she said that it was both the cold weather and a buildup of fluid. John was
able to get us a nice cabin for a reasonable rate at Canyon in north
Yellowstone. We went to our room and lay down for a short while and watched it
snow outside of our window. When we woke up there must have been 6 inches of
snow on the car. We cleaned off the car, luckily we had left our snow scrapper
in the trunk, and we went out for a short ride where we saw the tail end of a
sow and her cub. We went back to the room where we played cards and I won by
double the points. We fell asleep around 8:30 and did not wake up until the
next morning. We only woke up to go potty. I am so thankful to God for
takings care of John. It was a very good day. Linda
June 7th
As we began this day I felt a lot
better. We drove to West Yellowstone where we took pictures of a baby eagle in
its nest. Although we waited for the mother eagle it did not show up so we left
and drove to the Lamar Valley where we had a neat Grizzly experience. We drove
back to Canyon and down to the Hayden Valley where we saw a mother grizzly and
her beautiful cub. We took pictures of a
Sand Hill Crane and her nest in
the Lamar valley and of a rare blue heron in YELLOWSTONE. We took many pictures
of beautiful scenery also this day. We would drive from sunshine to snow to
sunshine all day. The roads were dry and it was another great day. We arrived
back to our room to find a small but nice box of chocolates and a card wishing
us happy anniversary form the Canyon staff.

We had a wonderful day of driving
all through Yellowstone. We were able to take all kinds of animal pictures
which include 3 grizzly bears, one with a cub, a baby eagle in a nest, sand hill
cranes nesting, great blue heron, white swan, white pelican, elk and , of
course, the bison. The scenery was as beautiful as it has ever been, especially
with all the green and then all of snow that is still on the ground. We were in
so many different types of weather today, from it being sunny to
driving blowing white out snow.
It came and went so fast that you really didn’t have time to worry about it. I
am glad that I remembered to bring the San Francisco jackets that Gigi bought us
when we were out to see her last year. The Canyon staff left us a very nice of
Huckleberry Bon Bon’s in a pretty wood box that says Yellowstone on it. I had a
very good day today.
June 8, 2008
We slept well and got up early
and drove south to Fishing Bridge which was closed to Cody. We then continued to
West Thumb in another snow storm and on to old faithful most of the way behind a
very slow motor home. We watched Old Faithful erupt and had lunch. We then
drove slowly to West Yellowstone where we explored a little and then on the way
back we stopped and took many eagle pictures and also some neat pictures of a
bright yellow bird we have never seen before. We took nice pictures of a grizzly
and her cub in Hayden Valley before heading back to the cabin and preparing to
leave in the morning. It has been a glorious 3 days here and today was a special
two a day special. I have really enjoyed being here and that includes when the
sun was out, when it rained and when it snowed which it did a lot. John

The morning was a little cloudy
when we woke up but the weather changes so fast it was not a problem. We headed
toward Fishing Bridge and kept going until we got to Old Faithful. The snow was
really coming down and we got stuck behind a RV that did not seem to know how to
drive in that kind of weather. We got to Old Faithful just as it was getting
ready to blow. We had lunch in the cafeteria and the headed out to West
Yellowstone so we could get some good pictures of the Eagle in her nest. We
took lots of the side roads and saw some pretty water fall areas, a really
pretty yellow, black and red bird. We went back to our room so we could fix a
sandwich and take a shower as they were able to finally get us some hot water.
We took off to get some more
pictures of the sow grizzly and her cub. We saw a pair of blue herons making a
nest but it was too far to get pictures. The sun came out as we were heading
back to get ready to leave tomorrow. This has been one of the nicest and most
special 3 days that I can remember. No hurry, no rush just enjoying being
together. Linda
June 9, 2008
We got up very early and headed to the Hayden
Valley and sure enough, our bear and her cub were close to the road. We spent
over an hour taking more pictures of her and her cub. She is beautiful and the
two of them provided us with a great deal of pleasure and entertainment over the
past few days. She is easily one of the highlights of our trip so far. We then
went to look for the wolves but our luck ran out and we did not find them. We
headed down toward Oxbow Bend and the weather which had been so bad in this
stretch yesterday and the day before was beautiful today. We could even see
across the lake. The moose with the new born calf near Jackson Lodge was up on
her feet today with her calf. We were delighted even though we never got a very
good picture of her. We headed to Lander after going to Pacific Creek where we
did not see anything today. North of Dubois we went up the Fish Hatchery road
again and took pictures of the Osprey and John left a monument. Enough said! We
reached Lander and the day began to get away from us as we needed to find a
phone charger for Linda’s phone and the motel we thought we would stay at raised
its rates $10 so we decided not to stay. We reached Rawlings and found a mom and
pop motel - not the greatest but adequate. We had a nice day and despite a
frustrating loss at Gin by Linda and a momentary loss of focus -putting it
nicely by me, we are fine and have reservations for the next 4 nights in Denver.
Linda and John

June 10, 2008
We got up after a night that saw
John sleep well then not be able to sleep. We took a short cut from Rawlings to
Walden that saved us about 175 miles of driving and gas, maybe more. In Walden
we were surprised when a young moose ran across the road in front of us. We
stopped at a turn in and were again surprised as the same moose running faster
than we could have imagined ran across and up a large meadow right in front of
us. This moose was really moving. We took a picture of the meadow he was running
in – no picture of the moose although Linda and I will have a picture of him
running forever. He was both beautiful and very fast. We went on to the Rocky
Mountain NP and drove through it very slowly. We went by the place where you are
supposed to be able to see big horn sheep but we had not eve r seen them and –
surprise they were there. We took many many pictures and they seem to be fine.
We drove on to Denver and went to the musical -3 MO DIVAS- and what a great way
to end the day. They were talented and energetic. It was a nice night. We are
tired and hope – really hope to sleep well tonight.

June 11, 2008
Today is Zach’s 18th
birthday. We called him just after midnight and wished him well. He had endured
a difficult day yesterday. Today we began by going to the Denver Botanical
Garden and there we took many many beautiful flower pictures. We really like the
gardens. We went to lunch at Strings and Noel Cunningham, Owner and Chef
extraordinaire visited with us after we had eaten and signed an autograph for r
Portia. The meal was fabulous and with tip was $43 –Botanical cost us nothing as
we are members of Wichita’s gardens. We stopped at Whole Foods and just walked
around and bought some bubble bath. We went to two movies, The Visitor and then
she met me. Both movies were great and it was a nice day.
Linda and John

June 12, 2008
Today we went to a Rockies game.
We also picked up the famous pastry Chef Keegan Gerhard’s autograph for Portia
and took his picture with Linda. His pastry was very small but tasty for $4. The
game was terrific and we had very nice seats. I got a ball from one of the
Rockies and we sat with some young mortgage bankers who felt the bottom had not
been felt and in fact was a year away. We then went to dinner at Le Central and
it was super including the fact that the Pastry Chef made us Grand Marnie
Soufflés for desert. We got her autograph and the chef’s autograph for Portia.
We then came back to the motel and are recouping from the day which was very
sunny and hot. We might or might not go out to a late movie.
Linda and John

June 13, 2008
Wow what a day!!! It was a great
day of vacation that just happened to be the last full day before we leave
for home tomorrow. We got up early and went to the flea market which had not
many sellers or buyers. Linda found a piece of Griswold very cheap and I
picked up a “Todd Helton Stacking Doll”. We then went to Mt Evans –which is
the highest road in America at over 14000 feet. We only made it to the
Summit Pond at 13000 feet but we did see and get great pictures of mountain
goats. The road was washed out and terrifying to drive on with no guard
rails and narrow. We only had 5 more miles to the summit but chose not to
try and I think we made the right decision as it was 10-15 miles an hour
down the whole 9 miles stopping to let cars we met pass while we waited. We
then went to 2 good art movies –The children of? –and Before the rain. We
found a new theatre complex called Starz Tivoli – hard to find but a neat
place. We also rediscovered Whole Foods which has the best pastry etc in
Denver. We returned safely to the motel and look forward to a nice return
home tomorrow. We had the pleasure of meeting a man who we had seen and
enjoyed his company in the Tetons, Jackson with the fox, Rocky Mt NP with
the bighorn sheep and today at Summit Lake with the Mountain Goats.
June 14, 2008
Well we are headed home
after a fine 12 days on the road. There were moments of great joy and moments of
terror like when I thought I was having a heart attack at Jenny Lake. I remember
so many things from slowing down deliberately to rushing only once and then I
did not need to. I don’t remember a single serious issue and only one or two
times my blood sugar dropped. We are I think much more aware of our mortality
and we are trying to cherish each moment as though it might be our last. Gas
prices are incredibly high and people seem to be angry a lot yet we had a very
great time. We saw so many beautiful things, the new camera takes very good
pictures but does not lend itself to quick focusing. We got home safe and
earlier than I thought! We passed a huge motorcycle group on the way home.
I truly think that this trip
was one of the best trips that we have ever taken. There were so many wonderful
sights, people, and food that each day was special in a different way. We also
passed the huge wind turbine field.