I wrote this after Linda's mom and dad lost their home in the Oklahoma
City Tornado in May of 1999.
The hardest thing in life is to do nothing,
Nothing requires more energy, more everything,
Doing nothing and not getting depressed is a miracle.
Doing nothing takes considerable effort
If you have something to do, you just do it.
Making something to do is hard work.
Trying anything to exist takes energy,
Energy has just left and depression surges my being,
It is like trying to hold a wave of water back
By holding your hand up as a dyke,
It really doesn't work, does it?
Still, you hold on and pray and wait,
Nothing happens and everything leaves
Your being slips into blackness
Your spirit slides into a deep hole,
You grab anything you can to hold on to,
All you have left is your belief in God
All you have left is your belief God will rescue you,
To be rescued is all you can hope for,
To be rescued is all you need!