

The first time I saw you

My life was changed

I needed that change

You brought a new energy to me

A passion which has filled my being

For over three and a half decades

You being gives me life

I thank you for that!


Your eyes sparkle like the stars you love

Your breasts are more beautiful than

The Tetons which we both love

I am so sorry for the tears I have filled you with

The pain which I placed in your heart and mind

You deserve so much more than I have given

And so much less than I caused you to bear

I love you so much


You are the air I breathe to live,

You are the spirit that gives me hope,

You are the desire that burns within my loins

You are the gift of Life given by God to me

Your hair is the nest I lay my head in

My being is filled with love for you

Tomorrow will be a better day and

Any day with you is the best day of all.