Have you ever,
Seen anything,
From the inside out,
Did you ever look into a mirror,
What was well known,
Became totally strange,
On this day of your beginning,
Do you know,
What it is you are about,
Isnt this the special time
When you want
To know your past,
To see your future,
To hear your feelings,
To know where you are.
Not that you would need to ever change,
Youre just right the way you are,
You would be open to change,
If change
Just happened to be needed,
You could and you would change,
Or would you.
If you look at yourself,
Long and deeply,
You will discover,
Where youve been,
What youve done,
When you did or did not do it,
Isnt as important,
Who you are now,
Where you are now,
What you are now,
Depends on today.