

To Persevere


Sometimes the world we live in is small

It can be as narrow as a tunnel

We sometimes can’t even see our nose

I am writing but I don’t know what I write

My fingers move my thoughts are void

If anything happens it is not my doing

I am trying only to persevere


Sometimes the work we do is clear

Often it is mysterious but still clear

Today it is not veiled or cloaked

Just not very apparent, not wide open

Today, actually right now is foggy

Still I am trying to persevere

To give myself a chance to do what


To do what I am called to do

Which I believe may be to write

My thoughts, maybe my prayers

My hopes and even my dreams

My understandings of my Creator

The gifts I am given by that Creator

This is perhaps my way to persevere


I know it may not be enough

I know I am called to do even more

Still, if I could get back to writing

If I could find a way to allow writing

To be a daily part of my life once more

If there is even a miniscule chance

Then I will persevere!