Time and Space


How long will it be

Until tomorrow,

How long has it been

Since yesterday,

Is time how long it is between things,


Yet, Time is more,

There is a right time

And a wrong time,

There is a good time,

And a bad time,

Perhaps time is somewhere between

Good and bad,

Time is still more,

Time is more a present period of one’s life,

Times is when a person looks for and sometimes finds –

Those things in life

That are worth looking for.


Where is anything that I want,

Is Space a place where things are put until found,

Is Space an imaginary place where persons search –

Whatever the true meaning of their life is,

Is Space an area in one’s mind where one is safe,

Is space a place

Where one person is

Either or both –

Physically and or mentally

Capable of filling,


That’s it, isn’t it,

Space is a place to be filled,


It is much more than a void to be filled,


Space is a gift just as time is,

As with any gift,

It is how it is used that matters.