The Mine


Slender shaft leading deep into the earth,

Dark, damp, cold timbers holding back black earth,

Candlelight flickering in a wispy breeze,

Shadows at first distinct then blending together,

air is so precious one needs to bring one's own supply,

Sounds of machines moving, grinding,

Sounds of man grunting, moving, breathing,

Sounds that at first seem negligible,


Sounds of madness screaming out of silence,

This is the mine,


Why would you go into this place?

What does it contain that draws a man to its inner belly?

Why would anyone go into such a place?

What could you bring out that could be worth your soul,

Inside the dark chambers of the mine,

What will you find that

Will draw you back time after time,

Are their riches beyond belief?

Is that why you go,

What is so compelling about the mine?



The mine provides an income for your family,

Without this income,

Your family would have less than what you now have,

What you now have is barely more than less,


The mine will provide a way out

If not for you,

For your children,


The mine provides you


A secret place to be yourself


Who and what you are

Is OK.



For heating your home and your neighbor's home,

Food, clothing, shelter,

From employment in the mine,


For industry,

Is it worth it?


Black lung brings death,

Black lung leaves families without hope,

What is the answer?

Is this too dark a picture?

Is their hope

In the mine?