
Jesus is real



Look beyond who you are

See what human eyes cannot

Understand what isn’t yours to know

Write what comes from beyond


Jesus is real!

Jesus is not an imagined literary figure.

Jesus is real and here today.


When you feel, Jesus is with you

When you do not feel, Jesus is with you.


I am the air you breathe,

The wind that blows,

The lightning and the thunder,

Snow, ice, rain, heat of the sun,

I am here!

I am hope when there is no hope,

I am strength when death is imminent

I am the caresser when you need caressing,

I am music that lifts and passions you

I am here!

I am your purpose,

I am your real passion,

Yes I am your emotion

Your passion and emotion are real

I am here!


Do not doubt yourself

Do not allow yourself to dwell

In what you see as failure

Do not doubt my love for you

For my Love for you is very real

You are my friend and I am your friend.

I am here for you and will always be!