Christmas – 1989


Heavenly beings filled the air with song,

Music was everywhere and I was aware You were here,

Bright light shone down driving darkness away,

Evil was gone and I was aware You were here,

The burden of not being fully alive was lifted,

Life flooded my being and I was aware You were here,

Out of the night into the light came a baby’s cry,

And the world was aware You were here!


What could have been, what was and what should be,

All came crashing together into now and You are here,

What was not, what had been, and what should have been,

No longer mattered in the full presence of Your being here,

For in Your presence is the answer the world awaited,

You are at once the present joy and the hoped for future

Christmas Day is a celebration of our awareness of You,

In You is found the answer to all that is of us,

We celebrate the birth of our life everlasting this night,

We celebrate and we are thankful!