How often each of us has heard-
To everything there must be balance,
For every act, there is an opposite,
There is nothing if there is not balance,
If this is true,
Were told it is so,
For every good, there is bad,
For every bad certainly a good,
For every high a low must follow,
For every low, there will be a high,
To off set God we must have a Lucifer,
All things are indeed equal,
Good, bad, love, hate, low, high, devil, god,
I am not in agreement!
There is no balance to God,
God is the essence and totality of Love,
There is nothing,
No power as strong,
The Power of Gods Love,
There can be no balance to our acceptance of Gods love,
There is no equality in balance,
What is right and good is just that,
What is wrong or bad must have balance,
Wrong must have a balance of good,
Good never has to have a balance,
Good and all that is good, comes from God,
God is completely and totally good,
God doesnt have to have,
God does not have
Lucifer is not Gods balance,
Lucifer exists only because of the Love of God,
Things do not happen because of balance,
Things happen
Man allows them to happen,
Man is simply not comfortable without balance!