The Comet of Life
A comet flashes across a starry sky
Tails of fire follow it through the night
Brightly it shined for a brief moment
In that moment, time stood still
In that moment, life began once more.
Life is more than a brief moment in time
Life is a forever comet in the night
Life shines brightly through all time
Life is a forever moment in time
God begins Life in the forever moment.
Fire, ice, space and time
A rock becomes a comet
Instantly there and then gone
Never to be seen no more
A comet is not a forever moment.
However fast Life is begun
However long Life lasts
However forever Life is
Life can end just like the comet
Then there is Life no more.
There is Life after the end has happened
Life is constantly beginning again
Life is always different yet the same
Life is the always presence of Love
God is Life always beginning in Love again!