June 9, Picking up Zach and on to Slough Creek
Well we got up early, repacked the car and headed to the airport to pick up Zach. His plane was late but he got in safely and we were very excited to begin this part of our trip. We drove into Yellowstone NP through Gardner and went to Slough Creek to camp. it was a very good day as we toured the Lamar Valley. We saw many animals but the one I remember best was the mountain goat- a rarity anytime anywhere. This night we had a huge rainstorm and I decided to have everyone pack up and move to the car so all in all it was a very exciting first day and I think a pretty good one! John beat Zach and Linda at gin -6-3-3
Zach's thoughts:
This morning I got up very early and took a flight at 7 o'clock and arrived at Denver at about 7:40. The funny part is the flight was about an hour and thirty minutes long (time zone change). I arrived at Bozeman, MT at around 11 o'clock. My first plane ride was okay but the second was very bumpy. When my grandparents picked me up, we went to Yellowstone NP and I saw more wild animals in one place than I have ever seen. That night was very confusing because one moment I was sleeping, and the next I was carrying all of my clothes to the car. Over all this day was very exciting. Tonight we started playing a card game called Gin. We will play one game each night (maybe) and see who has the best score at the end of the trip. Tonight grandpa got the first win. the score is now 1 to 0 to 0.